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Helpful Fastner Tips
For the Do – It – Yourselfer

Do-It-Yourself Tutorials
Let The Hardware Experts At McKinleyville Ace Show You How It’s Done
How To Use A Fire Extinguisher
If you need to use a fire extinguisher, you don’t have time to pause and read the directions. Remember the PASS technique (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.) Also know the difference between Class A, Class B, and Class C fire extinguishers.
How To Seal Gaps And Cracks
Gaps and cracks through your exterior wall can cause heat loss, allow access to insects and cause other problems. This quick tutorial explains multiple solutions to close gaps, including caulk, expanding foam, and weatherstripping.
How To Install Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms can protect your home and your life and they are easy to install. This short tutorial gives installation instructions, walks you through the basic kinds of detectors, and gives recommendations for placement in your home.
How To Hang A Picture
Techniques for hanging a picture vary based on the size and weight of the picture and what the hook is anchoring into. Ideally if the picture weighs at least fifteen pounds, you will want to insert your anchor into a wall stud. Follow the instructions of this short tutorial to pick the hanging method and tools that work best for you.
How To Repair A Window Screen
Window screens can come in both fiberglass or aluminum. For small tears, find a screen patch kit that matches your screen material. For larger tears, you will need to replace your screen. This tutorial will show you how.